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2020 Expectations for eCommerce Growth in Mexico

Brent Peterson


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2020 Expectations for eCommerce Growth in Mexico

Mexico is turning into a thriving hub for eCommerce businesses, with over 88 million regular internet users. The country is firmly middle-class, and the convenience of mobile shopping has become familiar to a significant number of consumers. As Mexico continues to grow into its rapidly expanding eCommerce market, we can expect to see its online ecosystem evolve and mature into a highly competitive and successful marketplace.

Top 5 eCommerce Sites

Although plenty of small businesses are finding success through eCommerce, 5 particular companies have begun to attract significant amounts of web traffic in Mexico. These retailers include:

  • Liverpool. This store is known for selling a wide assortment of goods, from clothes and accessories to furniture and home goods. Its website gets an average of 9.8 million visitors every month.
  • Walmart Mexico. The world’s largest retail corporation has already firmly established itself among Mexico’s top eCommerce sellers, receiving an estimated 15.7 million visits per month.
  • Coppel. Coppel, much like Walmart, is a store that sells a little bit of everything: appliances, electronics, clothes, auto parts, sports goods, and more. Coppel has been around since 1941, and it has continued to keep up with modern trends throughout the decades. The department store chain still has over 20 physical stores, and its eCommerce site attracts about 17.6 monthly shoppers.
  • Amazon Mexico. The global retailer regularly hosts over 41 million Mexican users every month, making it the second most popular eCommerce site in the country.
  • Mercado Libre Mexico. This massive marketplace lets people all over Latin America buy and sell all types of products, from electronics to auto parts to property. It reaches over 170 million customers throughout all Latin America, and it receives over 108 million visitors per month.
  • Mobile commerce. Mobile penetration expanded to 67.7% of the population in 2015, thanks to the decreased costs of smartphones and their widespread popularity among younger users.
  • Environmentally friendly products. After conducting a survey of 18,000 users, retailer Mercado Libre discovered that 71% of consumers would be more likely to buy products that are environmentally friendly. Younger customers in particular are especially interested in energy conservation, recyclable materials, organic foods, and solar-powered products.
  • Alternative payment options. Although the majority of Mexican citizens have accessed eCommerce sites at least once, about 33% of people lack the resources or knowledge to shop online. One major obstacle is the ability to use online payment methods, so businesses have started coming up with creative solutions. For example, Walmart Mexico allows customers to pay in cash upon delivery, and the alcoholic beverage retailer, Anheuser Busch-InBev, gives customers the option to pay in cash at convenience stores.

Want to Learn More?

If you’re interested in further details about business opportunities and the future of eCommerce in Mexico, you can access key reports from industry experts by clicking here.

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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