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7 Actionable LinkedIn Marketing Strategies You Can Implement Today

Brent Peterson


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LinkedIn Marketing Strategies

At this time, social media platforms are instrumental in bringing multiple user engagement opportunities for businesses and brands. While LinkedIn is not a traditional social media option, it is effective as a platform for business networking. 

Also, some brands employ strategies common to all social media platforms to improve their customer engagement. 

Statistically, 46% of LinkedIn-centric social traffic relates to business websites. So, while adopting LinkedIn-based marketing plans, you can expect:

  • A wide and active professional target audience 
  • High conversion rate 
  • Potential for valuable leads 

Indeed, as the brand owner, you can adopt multiple methods for brand promotion and improve your consumer reach and leads. In this article, you will get seven examples of the best LinkedIn marketing strategies to utilize.  

Focusing on the algorithm

linkedin algorythm

It is important for business owners and users to understand the algorithm in LinkedIn before using it.

As a rule, the LinkedIn algorithm does not adhere to precise types of content, as some other competitor platforms do. Instead, the main points of concern here are the engagement probability of the post(s) and whether the content is relevant. 

Admittedly, the relevance of the content plays a big role in the post rankings on LinkedIn. Accordingly, users generally notice blog posts that are similar to the content they previously engaged with. 

The LinkedIn algorithm takes note of the engagement metrics like comments, likes, and shares to understand what content is more relevant to a particular user. 

To prepare the LinkedIn marketing plan for your brand, consider the relevance level of your content to your target audience. Also, it is important to take note of the partially time-bound engagement rates. This involves the time of post creation to the interactions with other users. 

Hence, focus your post around the interests of your audience to better your content quality. The algorithm would respond accordingly and push the content to relevant users. 

Focus on the basics

linkedin profile


For creating an accurate and effective LinkedIn marketing strategy, focus on perfecting the central elements of your profile. These include:

  • Cover photograph
  • Description of the company objective 
  • Details about the brand 

Let’s elaborate. 

  • Cover photo- It is important to add a high-definition image in the cover photo; the viewers would associate it with your company. Many brands opt for readable and to-the-point text with a call-to-action here. Besides, including an attractive illustration or design is also satisfactory.
  • Description- Next, describe your company in the profile. Add the most vital details you wish to convey to your visitors in the first two lines. This improves engagement potential as the reader would click to know further details. At this point, add interactive text or narrative that draws the target audience’s attention.
  • Profile details- It is vital to complete the whole profile points like the About us section and company logo. To note, a fuller profile with no skipped sections improves the customer’s impression of the brand. 

Repurpose older content from other platforms

Besides creating content specifically for the LinkedIn audience, it is practical to share content from other profiles. Not only does this tactic broaden and unite a brand’s audience base, but it also saves time for marketers. 

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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