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Brent Peterson

Brent Peterson

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

Magento recently created a guide that highlights the 10 most common problems that users experience on their sites. According to the Site-Wide Analysis Tool (SWAT),

2020 will be remembered as the year of the eCommerce boom, which online shopping become of the most popular online activity in the world. Consumers

In an effort to help keep online stores safe and secure throughout the holiday season, the latest version of Magento offers an enhanced Security Scan

LinkedIn is a professional platform which has come a long way since its inception. Being one of oldest social media platforms, it has made it possible

When something goes wrong with a user’s Magento store, they’re likely to either fix the issue on their own, submit a support ticket, or request

All business leaders want to do the best they can to cultivate customer loyalty, effectively communicate with clients, and provide their target market with the

Technology has led to some fantastic breakthroughs in home automation. The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed our homes into something straight from a science

Whether you’re creating a brand new e-commerce website for your B2B business or upgrading your existing site, it is crucial to understand and integrate some

Referral marketing is a powerful tool that empowers consumers to become your company’s advocates by endorsing your brand to their friends, colleagues and family. While

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