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Brent Peterson

Brent Peterson

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

Leadous, Wagento, and Adobe Present Marketing Best Practices for the Holiday Season NOVEMBER 11th, 2020 | MINNEAPOLISLeadous, a leading Adobe Platinum Partner, along with experts from

Not too long ago, all a small business needed to focus on was making/offering a high-quality product or service, and they were likely to experience

Across the world, people are experiencing a different way of living and working due to COVID-19. These times have been extremely difficult, but they also

Just like making any other major decision, choosing the right hosting platform for your online store can be a time-consuming and frustrating task. With so

Imagine that you’re scrolling through a website or article when the page seems to suddenly jump or shift. You might lose your place, click on

Seguimos haciendo grandes progresos con nuestra integración de las operaciones de Magento y Adobe Experience Cloud, incluyendo una serie de interesantes cambios recientes relacionados con

In recent years, B2B clients have been showing increasing interest in ordering products online. It’s predicted that the US B2B eCommerce market will reach $1.1

By the end of 2020, global eCommerce sales will reach $4.2 billion and make up 16% of total retail sales. And these numbers are only

If you want to get an online store up and running quickly, there are plenty of great options available that don’t require any coding experience

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