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Brent Peterson

Brent Peterson

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

Innovation and advancement can be regarded as the most potent modalities when it comes to leading a successful eCommerce business. Irrespective of the core idea

The world of B2B e-commerce is a lot more challenging than selling online products to average customers. In B2B marketing, looking for a new client

The digital world has enticed all businesses and marketers with its evolving trends and techniques. Amidst that, email marketing is one such domain that has

Often, a business will focus its web strategy on driving traffic to its website. However, not every visitor will go on to convert. Your site’s

The checkout page on an e-commerce website works the same way as a physical checkout counter of any store. The only difference is that on

Maintaining a resilient and flexible eCommerce presence is becoming increasingly important for online retailers. As more people turn to online shopping, merchants are expected to

The essence of leading a business towards success can be deliberately associated with the unique features it is offering to the customers. Considering the sheer

According to content marketing consultant and blogger Ryan Robinson, it takes about 3.5 hours to compose an average blog post with a word count of

One of the biggest eCommerce trends for the coming year is predicted to be artificial intelligence or AI. Because of its unbeatable convenience and widespread

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