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Brent Peterson

Brent Peterson

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

Omni-channel marketing, as a phrase, is often used interchangeably with multichannel and integrated marketing. It refers to a strategy that identifies and considers all channels

An omnichannel approach is no longer a strategy that’s just for enormous enterprises; seamless communication across a wide range of channels is expected for all

There’s no denying the coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on businesses worldwide. One industry that has remained relatively untouched, however, is that of

The next generation is not just approaching the workplace, they’re here. And the face of business-to-business transactions has drastically changed. Salespersons are no longer the

In a recent Adobe webinar, presented by Wagento’s Brent Peterson, first-time eCommerce sellers and seasoned retailers alike were both able to learn the best steps

If the idea of setting up your own Magento 2 store intimidates you, this brief presentation will show you how easy it can be to

Warm summer days are finally upon us, and people everywhere are ready to enjoy the sunshine while spending quality time with their loved ones. Although

When B2C retailers begin to shift their focus to B2B eCommerce, there are a vast number of differences and unique challenges they need to overcome

La creación de experiencias atractivas y personalizadas para cada visitante de su tienda de eCommerce, requiere una atención estricta a los detalles y un análisis

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