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Brent Peterson

Brent Peterson

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

In the earlier days of eCommerce and online marketing, retailers tended to have strong distinctions between their brick-and-mortar shops and their online businesses. Advertising teams

On April 28, Magento officially released the latest version of Magento: Magento Commerce 2.3.5. This release includes numerous platform upgrades, over 25 security enhancements, and

SEO plays a critical role in digital marketing, and using keywords is the cornerstone of this strategy’s success. Although that is true, there are ways

Google Chrome updates occur so often that most people don’t even pay attention to the latest changes. However, Chrome 80 has pushed out a new

Thanks to your SEO prowess, you get a ton of visitors to your online Magento store – but how many are you converting? Or are

Articulo de Magento No se puede negar que las órdenes de quedarse en casa para contener la propagación de COVID-19 están cambiando el comportamiento de

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more involved in every industry and aspect of our lives. AI is not at the point where it

The worldwide outbreak of Covid-19 has caused millions of people to feel anxious and unprepared, and small and mid-sized business owners seem to be taking

As healthcare workers fight to contain the spread of Covid-19, entire countries remain in lockdown with millions of people trying to adjust to a new

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