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Nikki Lanzer

Nikki, with a Mass Communications and Public Relations degree from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, excels in creating diverse marketing content, from social media ads to lead-driving emails, embodying the spirit of a true marketing rockstar.

Security has been the primary focus for Magento engineers throughout 2019 due to the increasing rates of fraud and security breaches among eCommerce sites. In

As the world of eCommerce continues to innovate, business leaders need to have a website that can keep up. However, updating your site to integrate

Today we are making the latest versions of Magento Commerce and Open Source – 2.3.3, 2.2.10, and 2.3.2-p2 – available to our entire Magento Community.

Magento 2 is designed to make it easier than ever for merchants to build mobile-friendly online stores, complete with the latest technologies and tools. However,

Writing product descriptions isn’t a high priority for most retailers, and creating product descriptions that sell can be a delicate balancing act. As Neil Patel

When operating an eCommerce website, it’s easy to forget about customer service; after all, you aren’t seeing customers face-to-face as you would in a typical

Something exciting is happening at Wagento. We are so thrilled to announce the launch of a free extension we collaborated for Magento 2.3: SMS Notifications

Although most people have access to the web, not all websites are accessible to people with disabilities. According to the CDC, almost one-in-five American adults

In today’s fast-paced market, consumers don’t have the time to be delayed by a lengthy checkout process. Cart abandonment is at an all time high

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