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Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Magento Imagine

Brent Peterson


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The very first Magento Imagine conference was held in February 2011 in Los Angeles, California with resounding success. In the months following the 3-day event, the Magento community doubled in size and Magento’s Solution Partner network increased by 71%. By 2013, the Magento Imagine conference attracted more than 1,500 attendees who were eager to learn more about the latest eCommerce trends and technologies from dozens of keynote speakers, workshops, and training sessions.

Within just a few years of its initial launch, Magento Imagine became a highly-anticipated annual event that would regularly draw attendees from over 35 different countries. After Magento was acquired by Adobe, the conference was renamed to Adobe Summit, but it continued to attract global attention. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to pose health concerns, organizers have decided to host this year’s event completely online for the second year in a row.

Adobe Summit 2021: What to Expect

Since this year will mark the 10-year anniversary of the annual Magento Imagine/Adobe Summit conference, there are plenty of exciting things in store for attendees. Most importantly, this year’s virtual event will be totally free to attend. It will take place from April 27-28 and feature over 200 different classes, workshops, and breakout sessions. There is no capacity limit for these courses, so you don’t necessarily have to plan out your individual schedule ahead of time (although this is recommended so you get to all the sessions you’re most interested in!).

Although the virtual setting unfortunately doesn’t allow the opportunity for attendees to earn certifications, many of the other familiar aspects of the in-person conference will remain this year. Some key features to look forward to include:

  • 11 session tracks that focus on specific areas of expertise.
  • Live and on-demand sessions from industry experts.
  • 9 in-depth training workshops.
  • Special offers from event sponsors.
  • Several opportunities to network and connect with peers and industry professionals.
  • Summit Sneaks, an exciting sneak peek at some of Adobe’s current projects and products that are still in development.
  • Actionable information and insights for anyone involved in the eCommerce industry, ranging from advertisers to retailers to developers and content creators.

If you want to learn more about the Magento platform or upcoming Adobe technologies, be sure to register for this free event and sign up for the newsletter to get more information as the conference date approaches!

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Grow Your eCommerce

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll guide you through.

Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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