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Magento 2.3.5 and Adobe Sensei

Brent Peterson


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On April 28, Magento officially released the latest version of Magento: Magento Commerce 2.3.5. This release includes numerous platform upgrades, over 25 security enhancements, and over 46 GitHub resolutions made possible by passionate Magento community members.

Magento 2.3.5 offers all kinds of benefits for merchants, ranging from performance improvements to enhancements in Inventory Management. However, one feature, in particular, Product Recommendations, is gaining a lot of popularity among eCommerce sellers. Powered by Adobe Sensei, this updated tool allows businesses of all sizes to deliver unmatched customer experiences with unbeatable speed. Here’s how it works:

What is Adobe Sensei?

There’s a reason that AI is the fastest-growing marketing technology; it allows organizations to optimize their budgets, create highly successful campaigns, and easily analyze customer insights with minimal effort. In fact, according to MIT Sloan Management Review, nearly 85% of companies say that using AI will give them a competitive advantage. Businesses that begin to take advantage of AI and machine-learning technologies now will have a head start over their competitors.

Adobe Sensei is an AI and machine-learning technology which can quickly collect and analyze data, offer customized solutions, and improve the experience of each and every customer who visits a Magento site. With its deep learning capabilities, Sensei can enhance your entire site by anticipating exactly what your customers will want to see in their product recommendations. Additionally, marketers can work more efficiently with Sensei’s creative intelligence, experience intelligence, and content intelligence.

Product Recommendations: Powered by AI

Founder at CRM Essentials, Brent Leary, explains that Adobe Sensei can “provide a fuller end-to-end analysis of what kinds of content and experiences will take people from clicks to conversions to subscriptions.” With Sensei now paired with Magento’s Product Recommendations, customers can experience highly relevant, engaging, and customized shopping journeys that lead to more conversions for the merchant.

Merchants who upgrade to the latest version of Magento and integrate the Product Recommendations feature can also benefit from:

  • An Auto-Distributed Page Tagging and Catalog Sync.
  • An AI-Driven Retail Experience.
  • 9 Different Recommendation Types.
  • An Embedded Merchant Experience.
  • A Streamlined User Workflow.

Merchants using Magento 2.3 and up can integrate Product Recommendations directly from the Magento Marketplace. For assistance with upgrading your Magento site, reach out to a Wagento developer to begin planning your project today!

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Grow Your eCommerce

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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