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Magento Certification and Coursework Development

Brent Peterson


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As the Magento 2 platform continues to evolve over time, Magento certification courses and exams need to be routinely updated to reflect these core changes. About once a year, Magento U leaders, Adobe developers, and Magento subject matter experts (SMEs) come together to change the various curriculums, analyze results of past exams, and create essential new courses for Magento enthusiasts.

Magento Exam Update Process

The intensive week-long workshop consists of carefully analyzing the results of each exam question. SMEs check how many people answered the question correctly, and then check if there was a correlation between people who answered the question correctly and who ended up passing the exam. Furthermore, the experts check the relevance and accuracy of each question to ensure that all exam materials are up-to-date with the latest version of Magento. This careful process helps experts determine whether people are passing due to deep knowledge of the platform or because they memorized the answers from the study guides.

Although this may sound like a long, tedious task, the turnaround for updated exams is extremely quick. After adding or changing questions, conducting group audits of the exams, and editing the correct answers, the new exam will be ready to go by the end of the week-long workshop!

Magento U

All of the courses and exams offered through Magento U were carefully curated to give anyone the tools they need to learn more about the Magento platform. Every 6 months, the curriculums are revisited by Magento experts to ensure that each course is full of fresh, relevant information. There are several different certification options and courses for learners of all levels, as well as free videos and tutorials. Currently, applicants can take courses to help them earn the following certifications:

  • Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialist
  • Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer
  • Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer
  • Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Plus
  • Magento 2 Certified Professional Front End Developer
  • Magento 2 Certified Professional JavaScript Developer
  • Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer

Wagento Experts and Leaders

Two of Wagento’s very own leaders, Brent Peterson and Vijay Golani, regularly participate in these global workshops, writing new course materials and creating new classes for Magento U. Both Peterson and Golani launched their Magento careers in 2009, and their 10+ years of experience with the platform makes them incredibly valuable in workshops that develop new course materials.

Brent Peterson is Wagento’s Chief Magento Evangelist and Agency Coach, as well as a Certified Magento Specialist and Magento Master. Vijay Golani is the VP of Development at Wagento, a Magento U Trainer, and a regular speaker at Magento events.

Check out our training schedule, and find a course that will help you reach your Magento education and certification goals today!

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Grow Your eCommerce

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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