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Press Release: eWay Corp acquires Wagento Creative LLC.

Brent Peterson


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Press Release: eWay Corp acquires Wagento Creative LLC.

eWay Corp, a global digital transformation company, acquires Wagento Creative LLC. 

“Over the past 15 years, my company has built a strong reputation on our abilities to efficiently meet our technology goals and our ideals of relentless customer service. With the close of this acquisition, eWay Corp and Wagento will boast offices in six countries, which will greatly enhance our ability to provide our clients with a wide range of digital solutions, spanning both the private and public sectors. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to watching my global workforce become leaders in the world of digital transformation.”

JP Singh
Chief Executive Officer
eWay Corp & Wagento Creative LLC

This acquisition was finalized on February 1st, 2021.

About eWay Corp and Wagento Creative

eWay Corp, co-founded by its current CEO JP Singh, provides a wide range of services including software development, web development, mobile app development, and managed hosting services. eWay Corp’s mission has always been to enhance the way our clients do business, entirely through avenues of digital transformation. This mission is driven by JP’s ability to not only think outside the box but find new ways to stay ahead of any challenge that may come up. In 2020 alone, JP led his team to win several new government contracts, and also achieved DBE, MBE, and 8A Certification. Along with that, eWay is also proud of their Amazon Web Services (AWS) partnership, which gives them the ability to provide their clients with unmatched web hosting experiences that align with eWay’s mission.

Wagento has spent the last 8 years transforming itself into a global eCommerce solutions leader as a Magento Enterprise Partner under the guidance of their CEO, Susan Peterson and Magento Evangelist, Brent Peterson. While Susan will be stepping down as CEO, Brent will be staying on as the new President of Wagento Creative, and their dedication to the company is reflected in the impressive track record they’ve built over the years. With 34 Certified Magento 2 developers, over 300 successful Magento builds, and offices across Latin America, the U.K., and Asia, Wagento’s competence and many accomplishments separates it from the competition while building its brand on the benchmark of excellence.

Both companies recognized the importance of expanding their service offerings, which was the primary motivation for this acquisition. Now, all of their clients will be able to experience the full effects of a one-stop shopping experience in the digital transformation world. Combining the talent, skill, and global reach of both companies with eWay Corp’s customer-centric values, this acquisition provides a unique opportunity for current and future clients to seamlessly select the perfect mix of digital solutions from all they have to offer.

About JP Singh

JP Singh is now the chief executive officer and owner of eWay Corp and Wagento Creative, a feat he hadn’t foreseen when he first came to the United States in 2000 to pursue a masters degree in computer science.

JP created eWay Corp back in 2005 with one specific vision: Provide opportunities for companies in our community to realize their full potential through the power of technology. JP is a firm believer in the innovative qualities of technology and how these qualities can be utilized to solve virtually any business problem that may come. Just like his vision expected, eWay Corp has become a company that drives innovation.

Prior to arriving in the US, JP completed his Bachelors degree from Nagpur University in India. After that, he held a number of IT leadership positions, such as IT Manager for Genetic ID, a company specializing in laboratory testing and consulting services for agricultural companies. He was also the IT Infrastructure Manager for Indorama Corporation, one of Asia’s leading chemical holding companies. These positions not only gave him the necessary industry and management experience to successfully build eWay Corp from the ground up, but now also bring Wagento Creative on board with his vision as well.

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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