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Priorities of a Wagento Developer: Zero Bad Code

Brent Peterson


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The talented team at Wagento is dedicated to representing the company’s core values in every task that comes across their desk. Of these values, the most important guiding principle is known as the
Zero Bad Code policy. This key belief represents Wagento’s continuous quest to achieve perfection in all areas of our work, from creating outstanding websites to delivering unbeatable customer service.

Finding a trustworthy Magento developer can be tough for business leaders, and Wagento prioritizes its clients’ needs above all else. In order to improve each company we work with, our team strives to excel in each of the following areas:

Consistent Communication

No project can go smoothly unless everyone is kept on the same page throughout every step of the process. That’s why Wagento strives to maintain open and consistent channels of communication from the very first step to post-development support. In fact, developers strive to respond to client queries within 1 business day of receiving them. Nothing is more valuable than time, and Wagento is committed to being as efficient as possible.

Transparency and Accountability

Every individual at Wagento understands that they are personally responsible for the work they complete. If a mistake occurs, clients can rest assured knowing that the developer will offer a sincere apology and a fix as soon as possible. Along with the Zero Bad Code policy, Wagento operates by the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), which improves teamwork through accountability, honesty, and support for everyone within the organization. It’s well understood that, although nobody is perfect, each person needs to be held accountable in order to learn from their experiences.

Passion for Improvement

One thing all our clients notice is that there’s an underlying sense of curiosity and adventure within the company culture. Instead of playing by the rules or following in other people’s footsteps, Wagento is enthusiastic about creating new things and testing out different strategies. Developers are constantly thinking of how they can make things work more efficiently or effectively instead of simply accepting something as “good enough.”

Wagento isn’t afraid of thinking outside the box or trying new things, and we’re confident that our developers can tackle any project you have on your hands. We would love to hear from you and get started with a customized plan today!

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Grow Your eCommerce

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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