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B2B & B2C: Cultivate Enduring Customer Relationships with Adobe Commerce 

B2B & B2C: Cultivate Enduring Customer Relationships with Adobe Commerce 

In the contemporary eCommerce landscape, fostering strong customer relationships has gone from being a competitive edge to essential for businesses. This holds true for both B2B and B2C B2B customer relationships – cultivating customer loyalty and boosting customer lifetime value (CLTV) are the pillars for sustainable growth. Yet, the B2C and B2B eCommerce markets are subject to distinct challenges — especially when it comes to customer journeys. B2B business often entails intricate account structures, protracted purchasing cycles, etc. Conversely, B2C buyers expect seamless omnichannel interactions, replete with self-service avenues and personalized product suggestions. Then, an important query emerges: can an eCommerce platform adequately address the multifaceted demands of B2B and B2C customer relations? The unequivocal response is yes and Adobe Commerce can help you with it. 

You see, Adobe Commerce comes equipped with an abundance of features whose sole purpose is to help eCommerce brands establish enduring B2C and B2B customer relationships. 

By the Numbers: B2B and B2C Customer Challenges in Today’s eCommerce Landscape 

By the Numbers: B2B and B2C Customer Challenges in Today's eCommerce Landscape 

I have listed below recent stats highlighting the challenges encountered in customer relations within both B2B and B2C eCommerce realms:  

Personalization Disconnect 

80% of B2B buyers expect a personalized buying experience, but only 36% feel vendors deliver. (Source: Accenture) 

Both B2B and B2C customers want and expect personalization. Unfortunately, many eCommerce platforms lack features for delivering targeted content, product recommendations, or even segmentation for that matter. This results in a generic customer experience that fails to help build and foster better customer relationships. 

Mobile Engagement Gap 

57% of B2B buyers research products on mobile devices, yet only 40% say their supplier’s eCommerce platform has a good mobile experience. (Source: Forrester) 

It is no secret that both B2B and B2C customers increasingly rely on mobile devices for shopping and research. Hence, the platforms that lack mobile responsiveness or self-service options suffer from poor engagement and also frustrate customers on-the-go. 

Personalize Your B2B & B2C Customer Journeys on All Devices

Discover how Adobe Commerce enhances customer loyalty through tailored experiences.

Omnichannel Issues 

73% of customers expect consistent customer service across all channels. (Source: PWC) 

Data silos and disconnected touchpoints make it difficult to provide a seamless omnichannel experience for B2B and B2C customers. This, in turn, results in frustration as well as missed opportunities for personalized engagement. 

Beyond the Platform: Adobe Commerce’s Customer-Centric Features for B2B and B2C Success 

Beyond the Platform: Adobe Commerce's Customer-Centric Features for B2B and B2C Success 

It is no secret that nurturing robust customer relationships within B2B and B2C eCommerce is supremely important. However, the question remains: how can businesses cultivate lasting customer loyalty across diverse segments? The solution lies not merely in adopting a robust platform but in leveraging features that facilitate a genuinely customer-centric approach. Adobe Commerce excels here, going beyond basic functionalities and providing an array of features to foster better customer relationships. 

Harnessing the capabilities of Adobe Commerce’s customer-centric features stands to help businesses boost their B2B and B2C customer relationships from mere transactions to enduring partnerships. So, let us talk in quick detail about how specific Adobe Commerce features can translate these advantages into tangible outcomes for your eCommerce business. 

Customer Segmentation & Targeted Content 

In the face of the challenge posed by generic B2B and B2C experiences, Adobe Commerce stands to help in many ways. First, it can enable businesses to personalize the customer journey through effective customer segmentation. Plus, businesses can create product catalogs, pricing models, and content experiences tailored to different B2B or B2C customer demographics. Furthermore, using AI-powered product recommendations, Adobe Commerce suggests relevant items based on past purchase history and browsing patterns. 

Account Management and Self-Service Options 

B2B eCommerce companies often grapple with complex account structures, limited self-service options, etc. It ought to come as no surprise that such issues pose a huge challenge for ensuring customer satisfaction. Adobe Commerce can help in this regard as well, offering a suite of self-service functionalities that empower B2B customers. It also helps B2B buyers with access to a secure online portal where they can seamlessly manage their accounts, track orders, request quotes, and so much more. Hence, by streamlining workflows and reducing the burden on customer service teams, Adobe Commerce cultivates a better B2B customer experience. 

Responsive Design and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) 

No matter if it is B2B or B2C, an inadequately mobile-responsive platform risks alienating customers who prefer on-the-go shopping experiences. Adobe Commerce can help with this challenge as well, offering responsive design features to ensure seamless adaptability across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. With PWAs, this convenience is extended even further, offering app-like functionalities for both B2B and B2C customers. This means customers have access to their order history and can easily reorder essential items and receive push notifications. Imagine accessing all of this information but without the need to download cumbersome apps. Such convenience boosts not only engagement but also overall customer satisfaction levels across all touchpoints. 

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Seamless Integrations and Unified Customer Experience 

Both B2B and B2C eCommerce customers tend to face challenges of fragmented experiences due to siloed data and disjointed touchpoints. Adobe Commerce helps in this regard by providing a robust solution through its array of open APIs that serve as conduits for seamless integration with CRMs, ERPs, etc. This results in free flow of real-time data — crucial for ensuring a cohesive customer journey across all interaction channels. Such integration, in turn, encourages brand loyalty and also streamlines the purchasing process for both B2B and B2C users. 

In the ever-evolving global B2B and B2C eCommerce markets, customer-centricity reigns supreme. Off-the-shelf experiences no longer suffice, i.e. cultivating enduring customer connections is quite important. In this regard, Adobe Commerce is able to transcend mere eCommerce platform status. It manages to serve as an indispensable toolkit for eCommerce companies looking to nurture B2B and B2C relationships. So, when you make use of potent features such as customer segmentation and tailored content, companies are empowered to build and deliver precision-targeted campaigns and forge deeper customer bonds. 

But you are going to need a steady and experienced team to help you with embracing Adobe Commerce in all its glory. Wagento offers that, of course, and with it, a Budget Guarantee: if your eCommerce project exceeds the agreed-upon budget, save for owing to client changes, we will pay a month’s worth of your revenue. Contact Wagento today! 

Let's Have a Strategic Discussion for Your Online Store

Joe Shelton is currently the Head of Development at Wagento Commerce. He worked as a Web Developer at Creative Arc from 2008 to 2015. An Iowa State University alumnus, he holds a degree in Computer Science. 

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