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Brent Peterson

Brent Peterson

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

Take a moment and think about all the ways you have used the internet over the years. Do you feel embarrassed about anything you’ve shared

With abandoned shopping cart rates so high, eCommerce sites often struggle to bring those wayward shoppers back into the fold. There are a lot of

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Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities are some of the hottest topics in eCommerce today. Until recently, these technologies have only been implemented by

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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a great way to increase your conversion rates and ultimately increase your company profits. However, the CRO process is not

The ultimate goal for any eCommerce business should be to turn leads into conversions. However, with so many options for customers online, it’s becoming increasingly

Gartner, the leading firm specializing in international research and business advisory, has declared that Magento has achieved the gold standard of digital commerce for 2018.

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