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Headless eCommerce is Here!

Brent Peterson


Grow Your eCommerce

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Headless eCommerce is Here!

Maintaining a resilient and flexible eCommerce presence is becoming increasingly important for online retailers. As more people turn to online shopping, merchants are expected to deliver optimized experiences that can meet the unique demands of every visitor without sacrificing speed or reliability. One way businesses of all sizes can keep up in the modern eCommerce world is to try a headless eCommerce approach.

What is Headless eCommerce?

Traditional websites are often difficult to update quickly because they require developers to change the coding of the site before any new campaigns or designs are implemented on the customer-facing side. Headless commerce solves this problem by effectively separating the back-end and front-end of a website so changes can be made on either side without affecting one another.

Peter Sheldon, the Senior Director of Strategy at Adobe, explains that “Headless is about opening up and giving the front-end customer experience designers freedom to think outside the box and build experiences which aren’t constrained in any way.” In other words, changes to the front-end can be made in minutes rather than hours or days since these alterations no longer require individuals to have coding experience.

Everything You Need to Know About Going Headless

According to predictions by Statista, global eCommerce sales are expected to reach the $5 trillion mark by 2021, but businesses must still keep up with consumer expectations in order to stay relevant well into the future. In an effort to help merchants understand the basics and benefits of API-based eCommerce, Wagento has created a comprehensive guide that covers:

  • The changing face of eCommerce. Retailers can gain new insights about modern eCommerce and learn the pros and cons of “going headless.”
  • Customization options and experience management. The article will give retailers an in-depth look into how headless commerce can allow them to quickly make changes to the front-end of their site without needing assistance from a developer to change the code in the back-end.
  • The cost of switching to a headless model. Merchants will understand what resources they will need to launch a successful headless eCommerce site.
  • Beneficial tips for all retailers. Even if you’re not sure if you’re ready to make a full transition yet, this valuable resource contains plenty of actionable advice you can apply to your current site.

For more information, check out The Headless Commerce Primer for Growing Merchants and download the free guide today!

Table of Contents

Grow Your eCommerce

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll guide you through.

Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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