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Top Tips to Improve Your E-commerce Sales Through Email Marketing

Brent Peterson


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Top Tips to Improve Your E-commerce Sales Through Email Marketing

The digital world has enticed all businesses and marketers with its evolving trends and techniques. Amidst that, email marketing is one such domain that has left everyone mesmerized.

The eCommerce sector relies heavily on email marketing to get maximum sales. In fact, a report by
Litmus mentions that “Email is already the best way for eCommerce retailers to learn about their customers, make relevant and timely product recommendations, and generate sales”.

It would never be enough to only highlight the importance of email marketing for eCommerce businesses, but I can surely offer some best tips to help you get the most out of your email marketing process.

Grow, Maintain and Update Your Email Lists

There are several ways with which you can grow your email lists. Before that, you must know which category your business belongs to. Either you are already generating decent sales or you are just starting out. Follow these tips to improve your eCommerce sales via email marketing:

Tip 1: The former category must already be having a list of subscribers or buyers. But if you are from the latter category, the best way to collect email addresses is by creating a ‘pop-up’ form on your website. You can have a head start by asking for specific information from them. For instance, gender, occupation, industry, or more.

Tip 2: Don’t let your visitors go empty-handed. Entice your visitors with free resources, lead magnets, or joining discount coupons. That would help you generate a good number of leads.

Tip 3: After generating a decent number of leads, make sure you segment your email lists into target groups according to demographics, psychographics, or more. That would make your email marketing process much easier.

Tip 4: Keep adding and updating your email lists as email list segmentation is a constant process. Don’t hesitate to remove irrelevant or fake email addresses from your email lists who have no intent to buy from you.

Run Email Campaigns That Make You a Winner

As an eCommerce email marketer, you have tons of options to run many engaging email campaigns. But creating campaigns that help you achieve the sales targets is what you must focus on. Here are some tips to remember:

Tip 5: You must run welcome email campaigns as this is an amazing opportunity to make your subscribers buy from you or maybe make them trust you through your offer. The best example is to include a welcome coupon.

Tip 6: Another email marketing campaign that you can run to boost your sales is the seasonal campaign. eCommerce marketers get most of their sales during the seasonal sales or holiday season. For instance, Christmas, New Year, Black Friday, Back to School sales, Cyber Monday, and more.

Tip 7: The most important of all is the cart abandonment email campaigns. These email campaigns are designed to give a signal to those subscribers who showed an intention to buy from you. But they leave their items in their cart without making a purchase. If these email campaigns are crafted and implemented with the utmost care, they can prove to be very powerful for your eCommerce business.

Tip 8: Do not forget to include back-in-stock email campaigns. For an eCommerce business, it is quite common that your warehouse or inventory runs out of stock. So, turn your potential customer into an actual one by sending them emails about the product that you made available just for them.

Create Personalized and Well-tailored Content

You can’t edit every email according to your subscriber. That is why you made segmented email lists in sync with your business needs and sales funnel. Make sure to follow these tips:

Tip 9: The key to an effective email marketing strategy is personalizing your email campaigns according to the interests of your subscribers. You must make them feel valued by sending them content that resonates with them. This includes a lot of work on the subject line, email body, and CTA.

Tip 10: It doesn’t just end with personalization. You have to make it engaging as well. Send out A/B test campaigns with an email marketing tool to get an idea about the preferences of your audience. You may tweak the subject line, make it entirely text-based, or include videos and images to find what works best for you.

Tip 11: Don’t experiment too much with your audience. Make sure you do not spam them by sending too many emails or bulk email blasts.

Tip 12: Ask them for their reviews or feedback to make improvements from your end along with maintaining a healthy relationship with your subscribers.

Leverage Email Marketing Automation

Let’s face it. The eCommerce sector runs at an unbelievable speed. One minute and the customer is gone. So make sure you are never behind for even a second. Follow these tips to get the most out of your email marketing:

Tip 13: Automate your welcome emails and cart abandonment emails so that you never miss an opportunity to interact with your potential customers.

Tip 14: Set another automation series to take a follow-up with your subscriber who has been inactive for a long period. The most widely used method is through bulk emails. But make sure you do not end up spamming your email base.

Tip 15: Leverage automation in the subscription renewal email campaigns so that your subscribers get an early reminder. You may even set drip campaigns to get the most out of email marketing automation.

Tip 16: Make sure you optimize the email-send time of all your automated emails according to the time zones and location of your subscribers. This will boost your overall email performance.

Final Thoughts

If you are an eCommerce vendor, you should set your focus on deriving the best possible results from email marketing because this form of marketing can bring you loads of income on the table. Each tip is unique in its own way. So, don’t skip any of it.

This blog is written by Shivani Srivastava. A content marketer by heart, Shivani is passionate about writing anything in the field of the technological landscape. She’s written this guest blog for SendX: Email Marketing Software.

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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