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Wagento WINS the Magento Excellence Award for best sales channel growth

Brent Peterson


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Wagento WINS the Magento Excellence Award for best sales channel growth

We are beyond excited to announce that Wagento has won The Magento Imagine Excellence Award for Best Sales Channel growth for their client Universal Music Group. We are so proud of the whole Wagento team for this accomplishment and greatly appreciate the partnership we have had on this client with Red Box Digital and Netresearch

Project: Universal Music Group

Magento’s commerce solutions have the capacity to handle significant consumer demand for Universal Music Group. Order management, inventory management, store fulfillment, and customer service can all be easily overseen in a central online location by leveraging the power of Magento Order Management.   Wagento built and designed 100’s of artist stores with custom features that only Magento could deliver.  Each store has a unique Magento instance that is tied together using Magento Order Management.

We launched our first site for Universal Music’s “The Sound of Vinyl” which puts a whole world of popular and critically acclaimed records just a few clicks away from the user. With a full catalog including categories like classic rock, alternative rock, hard rock, metal, soul & RNB, and jazz and blues, you can browse a vast vinyl collection, owned by Universal Music, by artist name, genre, or directly search for what you’re looking for.

In addition to being a full-service online store, The Sound of Vinyl provides an innovative recommendation engine that suggests albums based on a user’s personal tastes, and features exclusive content and album suggestions from top music experts.

This could not be possible without the effort and commitment of our team at Wagento, Redbox and NetResearch. Projects like this are the reason we work so hard and why we love to share with the world what Magento can do for any eCommerce business.

Learn more about the awards here.

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Brent Peterson

About the Author

Brent W. Peterson, President of ContentBasis LLC, is a pioneering eCommerce entrepreneur. His journey spans retail entrepreneurship to global workshops, with a passion for endurance sports. 

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